When the teacher is a student

“If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything, it is open to everything. In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few. ” 
― Shunryu Suzuki

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You may have seen that I recently announced I’m a teacher for Wanderlust 2021. But did you know that I’ve been a Wanderlust student this year?

I've been an artist since childhood. I went to art school, followed by university to become a teacher, and many years of workshops, and professional development in both art and teaching. As an art teacher, people look to me as an expert, and I adore sharing my expertise. I have favourite techniques, a painting style, and subject matter (nature!) that I continue to come back to and repeat. Yet embracing a ‘beginner’s mind’ is a really important part of my ongoing development as an artist and as a teacher.

Wanderlust has offered me a weekly chance to be a beginner. I’ve tried new techniques, new materials, new styles and new ways of thinking about my journaling process. With every lesson from Kasia or the guest teachers, there is an invitation to create a new world on my page. Sometimes I follow closely to the style and steps of the guest teacher, and other times I reinterpret their lesson in a different medium (like watercolour). I LOVE going to the Facebook group to see how many beautiful and varied interpretations there are from the same lesson.

If you are a beginner, your creative mind will be reeling with excitement. If you are experienced, I guarantee you'll find fresh inspiration. You will feel welcome and encouraged at every step! You can take baby steps or giant leaps in your artistic journey. I wholeheartedly believe that Wanderlust has something for everyone who wants to grow their art journaling practice.

Below is a gallery of journal pages I created as a Wanderlust student. You’ll see elements of “Nicole” in all of them, but look at the variety and other influences too! Can you believe there are portraits? I surprised myself!

Pages I created during Wanderlust 2020

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BEcome a wanderlust adventurer

Why not make a commitment that our 2021 will be a year filled with inspiration, learning, and creativity? There’s no better way to do it than by joining the most supportive and explorative community of mixed-media Adventurers on Wanderlust 2021. This art journaling online course will provide you with a consistent dose of inspiration and knowledge. Weekly lessons from various experienced Teachers can be your guarantee of the best year of art.

Join Wanderlust 21 now and you’ll get instant access to a whole bunch of bonuses which will give you a good taste of what 2021 is going to be like.