Solo hike: finding space for myself in nature
Nature journaling bliss! Earlier this week I went on a 15km solo hike in Strathcona Provincial Park.
I gifted myself the time as a way to ground myself before this anxious back-to-school week. I've been feeling all the feelings, so being in nature was just a perfect salve. This was probably the most alone time I've had in many months, and my first solo hike in more years than I can recall - maybe ever? It was sooo needed, and so wonderful! I'm stoked to get out hiking again soon.
In my journal, I did a foliage colour study, a treetop study, a lake sketch, and a shadow trace of a pinecone. I also recorded the details of my trip in writing. Almost all of my art is inspired by nature, but the chance to actually sit down quietly and create a whole page in situ is rare. I'm so grateful I made time for it.
Mandatory trail selfie to remember this beautiful day!
It's Friday now and my little girl went off to her second year of forest preschool, and my 'big' girl had her grade 2 orientation at her French Immersion school. We all managed well and are 😊.
How did your week go? How are you taking care of yourself? Can you make time this weekend to attend your body and heart?
P.S. If you're hitting the trails alone (or anytime really!), be sure you are confident in your abilities and prepared. Pack your 10 essentials and log a trip plan. Learn more at @bcadvsmart
Peekaboo views to Mt. Albert Edward. I’d love to camp out here next year, and the big mountain is definitely a hiking goal.