Come back to what you know

September Studio RW1_3386.JPG

At 42, I’m still that little girl who brings things home from the beach. 

Pearly shells, smooth stones, twisty driftwood.

When I look at these driftwood shapes, they echo the lines of the islands in the Salish Sea. Denman, Hornby, Texada, Savary.

They are familiar and comforting forms. 

They are the lines that I bring into my paintings and journals.

A meandering brushstroke in Payne’s Grey, a line gestured in Jade Neocolor pastel.

The familiarity of the landscape brings familiarity to my creative process

I paint these lines again and again.

It feels like home.

It feels comforting amidst the sea of uncertainty.

What elements of your creative practice do you find familiar and comforting? Certain colours, favourite pens, motifs that you repeat? Here is a permission slip to seek comfort in the known, to seek out ease in the familiar.